For example from the above picture, after I have created the coupon named: haha123, I would like to send an email to
As I didn't make a custom contraoller for generating new coupon and has been only using the default BREAD This is most likely not the best way as I didn't make use of the voyager events. Hence, I just do it the troublesome way by adding my own custom voyager CouponsController to overwrite the default controller and add the laravel mail function in the store method of within the custom CouponsController.s I didn't make use of the voyager events. Hence, I just do it the troublesome way by adding my own custom voyager CouponsController to overwrite the default controller and add the laravel mail function in the store method of within the custom CouponsController.ake a custom controller for generating new coupon and has been only using the default BREAD function from Voyager, hence I am This is most likely not the best way as I didn't make use of the voyager events. Hence, I just do it the troublesome way by adding my own custom voyager CouponsController to overwrite the default controller and add the laravel mail function in the store method of within the custom CouponsController.s I didn't make use of the voyager events. Hence, I just do it the troublesome way by adding my own custom voyager CouponsController to overwrite the default controller and add the laravel mail function in the store method of within the custom CouponsController.ake a custom controller for generating new coupon and has been only using the default BREAD function from Voyager, hence I am
SOLVED:This is most likely not the best way as I didn't make use of the voyager events. Hence, I just do it the troublesome way by adding my own custom voyager CouponsController to overwrite the default controller and add the laravel mail function in the store method of within the custom CouponsController.s I didn't make use of the voyager events. Hence, I just do it the troublesome way by adding my own custom voyager CouponsController to overwrite the default controller and add the laravel mail function in the store method of within the custom CouponsController.ake a custom controller for generating new coupon and has been only using the default BREAD function from Voyager, hence I am
This is most likely not the best way as I didn't make use of the voyager events. Hence, I just do it the troublesome way by adding my own custom voyager CouponsController to overwrite the default controller and add the laravel mail function in the store method of within the custom CouponsController.a